Money Back Guarantee
New Students Can Enroll in Keystone Risk Free
We’re so confident that you, too, will benefit from your Keystone experience that we are ready to back it up with our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee*. Now new students can try our program risk free!
The money-back guarantee applies to first-time enrollment students only and parents must call Student Services at 800.255.4937 to cancel within 30 days of enrollment.
Money back guarantee does not include shipping & handling or administrative fee for payment plan. Due to U.S. Treasury requirements, Keystone cannot offer refunds to students with a non-U.S. address.
To request cancellation, contact Student Services at 800.255.4937. No refunds are given after 30 days of enrollment. If a student is withdrawing from the program after the first 30 days of enrollment, any balance owed would be the responsibility of the party associated with the payment plan and still owed to Keystone. Keystone Payment Plan administrative fees are non-refundable. Learn more about the Keystone Elementary School Refund Policy, Keystone Middle School Refund Policy, or Keystone High School Refund Policy.