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7th Grade
7th Grade Health Online
This course is designed to teach lifetime health and wellness knowledge in order to prevent various psychological and physical disorders. Students will learn health information and practices, as well as experience implementing their newfound skills and knowledge. They will acquire the skills necessary to handle peer pressure, recognize unhealthy and risky behaviors and how to prevent and avoid them, and develop strategies for improving personal and community health. Students will gain an understanding of the relationships that influence one’s health, as well as refusal and coping skills that play a major part in personal health, as well. Quizzes, discussion sessions among peers, projects, and interactions will be assessed weekly to gauge content understanding. After completion of this course, the student will understand and have experience practicing lifelong skills for lifelong health and wellness.
7th Grade Intermediate World Art I Online
Intermediate World Art I lessons include an introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of world art and architecture from ancient through medieval times. Students will investigate how artists from different civilizations used various techniques, from painting to mosaic; examine elements of design and styles of decoration, from the spiral to the solar disk; and explore some of the best-preserved works from ancient tombs, including the treasures of Egypt’s King Tut.
7th Grade Language Arts Online
$289 - $399
This course continues the development of comprehension and analysis of informational and fictional texts with an ongoing emphasis on reading strategies. Students express themselves using standard (formal) English in written and oral presentations. Analyzing and practicing the form and structure of various genres of writing enhances students’ communication skills. Students study a variety of media to understand informational and persuasive techniques, explicit and implied messages, and how visual and auditory cues affect messages. Grammar, usage, and mechanics skills are deepened. Students continue to widen their vocabulary and apply acquisition strategies. The course includes discussion activities that engage students in the curriculum while creating a sense of community.When enrolling in the full year option of this course it will be delivered in two semesters. Transcripts will reflect each semester separately
7th Grade Life Science Online
$289 - $399
The Life Science program invites students to investigate the world of living things—at levels both large and small—by reading, observing, and experimenting with aspects of life on Earth. Students explore an amazing variety of organisms, the complex workings of the cell and cell biology, the relationship between living things and their environments, and discoveries in the world of modern genetics. Students tackle such topics as ecology, microorganisms, animals, plants, cells, animals, species, adaptation, heredity, genetics, and the history of life on Earth. Lesson activities and assignments help students discover how scientists investigate the living world.When enrolling in the full year option of this course it will be delivered in two semesters. Transcripts will reflect each semester separately
7th Grade Math Online
$289 - $399
In Stride’s Grade 7 mathematics course, students focus on real-world scenarios and mathematical problems involving algebraic expressions and linear equations and begin to apply their understanding of rational numbers with increased complexity. The course lays the foundation for exploring concepts of angle, similarity and congruence, more formally addressed in Grade 8, as students work with scale drawings and construct and analyze relationships among geometric figures. Students also develop and apply understandings of proportional relationships.When enrolling in the full year option of this course it will be delivered in two semesters. Transcripts will reflect each semester separately.
7th Grade World History I Online
$289 - $399
World History I surveys the story of the human past from the period before written records, prehistory, through the fourteenth century. The course is organized chronologically and, within broad eras, regionally. The course focus is the story of the human past and change over time, including the development of religion, philosophy, the arts, and science and technology. Geography concepts and skills are introduced as they appear in the context of the historical narrative. Students explore what archaeologists and historians have learned about the earliest hunter-gatherers and farmers, and then move to a study of the four river valley civilizations. After a brief writing unit, they study the origins of Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism and the eras in which they developed. The second half of the course traces the story of classical Greece and Rome, the Byzantine Empire, the origins of Christianity and Islam, and then continues through the fourteenth century in Europe, North Africa, and East Asia. Historical thinking skills are a key component of Intermediate World History. Students practice document and art analysis, conduct research, and write in a variety of formats. They also practice map reading skills and look at how historians draw conclusions about the past as well as what those conclusions are.